Booking for : Abbey of Pomposa: Treasure Chest of Art and History

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Abbey of Pomposa: Treasure Chest of Art and History

Tour Details

Its stunning bell tower announces it from afar, its 14thcentury frescoes tell us stories of apocalypse and paradise and its rooms make us revive the everyday life of the abbots and saints.

We are talking about the famous Abbey of Pomposa, founded in the 7thcentury by Benedictine monks settling on what was once an island between two branches of the River Po.

In the Middle Ages, Pomposa became one of the most prosperous and powerful abbeys in northern Italy, attended by noblemen, pilgrims and illustrious characters such as the monk Guido d’Arezzo, inventor of the musical pentagram.

We will tell you about the golden age of the great monastic complex and we will guide you to visit the Abbey, the Refectory and the Chapter House: the beautiful marble floor of the church and the fourteenth-century frescoes by Giotto’s inspiration will leave you pleasantly surprised and excited.

We do not assume responsibility for ticket increases or changes of monuments opening hours that may occur during the year.

For some questions you find a faster answer here than writing us:

Where can I park?

Coach parking is well signposted and is a 5 minutes walk from the Abbey. Cars can park in the same parking lot or in the parking between the bell tower and the cemetery.

Where do I meet the guide?

The guide can meet the group at the parking lot or at the ticket office.

Can mobility impaired people enter everywhere?

Yes, but we need to know it in advance to warn the caretakers and be sure we’ll have the lift available.

There will be entry fees for the monuments? 

Yes, the ticket costs € 5,00 – € 2,50 euro from 18 to 25 years old – free under 18 years old, teachers, disabled people and their carers.

On sundays and liturgical holidays the church is free of charge, the rest of the Abbey costs € 3,00 – € 1,50 reduced priced.

Is it necessary to book the entrance at the monuments?

No, it isn’t.

Is it possible to pay the tickets in advance or with credit card?

Credit card is not accepted, but it is possible to pay in advance writing to

Are there public toilets?

Yes, at the parking and at the ticket office.

Additional Info

Duration :
about 1 hour
When :
all year round – on Monday only the church can be visited, not the Abbey
Transport :
this is a walking tour
Clothing :
we recommend clothing suitable for places of worship
Location :
44021 Codigoro FE, Italia

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+39 0544 30101

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IL PAPAVERO Soc. Coop. - Guide Turistiche

Via Cavour 114 - 48121 Ravenna

0544 30101 / 339 4040578

Sede Legale : Via Faentina 106 - 48123 Ravenna

C.F. / P. I.V.A. 00871530390